Dining options



Baskets of local flavors

Prónay Balance food baskets

Prónay balance food breakfast basket

for 2 people 9.900 HUF / basket

Prónay balance food dried fruits 10 dkg
Prónay balance food fruit jam 165 ml
Prónay balance food cheese selection with smoked, soft and hard cheeses 8 dkg
Gladius salami 15 dkg
Prónay balance food unflavoured or fruit yoghurt 2 * 165ml
Muesli 10 dkg
Home baked fresh baguette 1 baguette 420g
Milk 2,8% 0,5 liter
Butter 10 dkg
Fresh vegetables, fruits  
Fresh eggs 4 eggs
Orange juice 0,5 liter


Prónay balance food picnic basket

for 2 people 14.900 HUF / basket

Prónay balance food fruit jam 165 ml
Prónay balance food cheese selection 8 dkg
Gladiusz salami 15 dkg
Prónay balance food seeds 8 dkg
Butter 10 dkg
Home baked fresh baguette 1 baguette 420 g
Fresh vegetables, fruits 50 dkg
Home baked fresh butter croissants 2 croissants
1 bottle of home made levander syrup 0,5 liter
1 bottle of Csendes Dűlő 2018 Kéknyelű wine 1 bottle 0.75 l


Hot food options

Minimum order 10.000 HUF/ occasion
Cserhát red wine deer stew with forest mushrooms and puliska 4600 HUF
Roasted duck leg with red cabbage, roasted onions and homemade noodles 4400 HUF
Traditional pork stew with sheep cheese sztrapacska noodles 3900 HUF
Sheep cheese sztrapacska noodles with bacon 2600 HUF
Cottage cheese dumplings with honey and sour cream 1700 HUF
Plum dumplings with spicy plum sauce 1700 HUF

Our prices are gross prices, including VAT and delivery.

Please let us know your food needs 2 days before arrival. We deliver all ordered food to the cottages on the requested day and prepare them in the refrigerator. Our chef has worked out the menu in such a way that the meals preserve their quality even if microwaving or heating them on fire.



Alsópetény Cottages

  • placeholder 2617 Alsópetény Béke utca 1, 2, 10
    Kossuth Lajos utca 30
  • envelope recepcio@pronaykastely.hu
  • phone +36 20 223 3441